Dear Diary…….(remember back in the days when we read Adrian Mole books, Judy Blume and Sweet 16 and then moved onto Horror Romance and Point horror books – well this is taking me back to my tweenager years and hopefully this will be a starting point for you!)
Remember being a tweenager and reading Judy Blume stories, thinking you were the bees knees, thinking you had life sussed, puberty, boys/girls, parents, going to high school and trying to fit in a be cool? Thinking you were gallous …..Well let’s face it being an adult it’s not much easier – we still have all these problems to face but the thing is on top of that we are the parent- maybe, we are paying the bills, worrying if you are going through the menopause or having a mid-life crisis and just trying to be cool! You would think coming up for forty years old, I would have learned valuable lessons by now – NO! not me, im still learning, in fact my nine-year old daughter probably teaches me more about life than I ever knew possible….
Well this week has been a week of lessons for me, now we hear this being banded about all the time…but what does it actually mean…..who the feck knows….it can mean a whole host of things, for some it could be something that’s came back to bite them on the ass or for others its something that keeps re-appearing and until you actual deal with it…its going to keep happening….for me my lessons has been looking at relationships…now this is something I am totally sure that you can all agree with here, regardless of your age, gender and sexual orientation, this is something that we have throughout our entire lifetime! These relationships don’t have to be loving or sexual, these can be working, partnerships, friendships or even YOURSELF……yes there I said it!
The first lesson I learned this week which was a huge one…this was learning to trust me!!!!! As many of you know I don’t see myself as a psychic-medium – many of you will gasp and go REALLY!!!!! Yes really, I don’t see myself as like many of my friends, well really only one – Mrs E for the purpose of this blog, cos I don’t want to name and shame but many of you who know me, will know who I am talking about….don’t get me wrong, we have had our disagreements and we sort of took a step back from each other, but that’s what friendship and relationships are all about…its about learning and growing – in fact I am sitting here typing and my guides just pop in through the TV – yes I know – all about the signs – and then it say its a LIFE LESSON! – wtf…….but it was because of this its made our friendship so much stronger, we know where we stand with each other and we know we can chat about it and now…actual laugh at how ridiculous I was! at being upset…..she is the only person I trust in the psychic realms who doesn’t take her self seriously and does her own thing….I’m not slating other psychics by any means as I do know many who are really good and really nice people, but I’m talking about those who are in the “Psychic Mafia” they have these egos that are big as the houses they live in and this is what I can’t be bothered. They hide behind this “love & light” patter saying that they are coming from a place of love…no really!!!!! well why do you have to say it with every word…why just not own it, why bitch about people if your supposed to be “L&L” and then be so nice to their faces and even work with them..for me that’s not “L&L” that’s just being a two-faced twat! ….I am true to my word, yes there are a few people that I really don’t like in this realm and yes I will be professional and nice – and when I tell people that I don’t like this person they seem so surprised because I don’t get nasty or be horrible – well unless they totally piss me off and then they will have the wrath of Rachelle! lol…but not very often…..I believe regardless of whether you like someone or not they still need to be respected. As I say I will be nice, but if its someone I don’t like, you will never see me in their company or just work with them to get where I want to be…I will make my excuses to not do something – politley…that’s KARMA and believe me it will come back on you – As you have probably noticed I avoid all these types of events at all costs if I can and I choose who is in my life and who isn’t…so my point here is that YOU CHOOSE….you have the power to have who’s around you and who isn’t and if you don’t then you need to get that power back! You don’t need to settle for people to be in your life if they don’t need to be….its ok to let them go…its called SELF-CARE xxxx
I got slightly off track about my lesson, but I felt that I was being guided to write that wee bit lol….Trusting myself…..this week has been a week of signs and serendipities….I decided to do this meditation because I feel that this week I needed guidance…guidance on where my new relationship was going…guidance on where I was going in my business and guidance on my LIFE in general….well I kept going shown loads of signs…one of the biggest was my cards….I kept pulling the same cards over a couple of days! Now as many of you know I never read for myself as I feel its more about my EGO and what I want to take from the card instead of what it actual means….but the strange thing was why didn’t I trust what I was getting…why did I not trust what the universe was giving me….because I had the FEAR!!!!!!!! This is what many people get and this is what stops us from doing what we most want to do in Life! So instead of fearing what I was being given I started embracing and then I met with Mrs E for Reiki, who out of know where confirmed all my signs….yes I am soo lucky that I have a friend who is an amazing psychic-medium…..and my GG (Great Gran – who is also one of my many guides have me into trouble for doubting!!!!!!) but I also have an amazing sister who has helped me get over my fear too…my sister – well one of my sisters as I have 2…but my other sister is always busy and similar to me doesn’t like contact….my sister has also gave me lessons this week and told me to get out of my own head, especially with my new romance – which I am still unsure as its not really official…. which is another topic in itself – believe me….but getting out my own head and meditating – again using my signs meditation, this has soo totally helped me!
Meditation – now I sooo know that this shiz isn’t for everyone, in fact up until a few moths ago and focussing on my mindfulness course, I STRUGGLED big time. I found it totally boring out my nut…couldn’t switch off – thinking about what will I make for dinner, I wonder if anyone has text me lol…yeah I totally get it but since just doing 2 mins a day – yes you heard me, 2 mins to just sit and listen to music and relax…..just listen to the words being said or the beats of the music…if it helps just dance! – now that’s the easy bit, it doesn’t have to be meditation music or some pathetic guided meditation – yes cos some of those voices – omg…..I think I would rather watch paint dry! I am doing my Transformative Meditation course and yes there are certain things you need to when leading meditations, but come on does it need to be that dry…you don’t want to be putting people to sleep you want them to enjoy! I have even learned through my mindfulness course, but I already knew sort of…Waking Meditation, this is really easy to do and it can be as simple as washing the dishes….all you need to do is try and shut off to everything around you, just breath and feel the water, feel the dishes, feel the emotion and let it pass….don’t THINK! just BE AWARE!
Friendships…..this is another lesson I have learned this week and people who you thought were your friends who turned out not to be! and those who you have met along your journey have become friends…..I remember posting the other day that some friendships that you have had for 2 weeks can better than friendships that you have had for 2 years! This is SOOOOO true….I have a very – and this is no joke – small circle of friends that’s because I am soo wary about who to trust – and yes this is something i am still working on and believe me i have made big massive strides – but its not about the quantity of friends its about the quality of friends that i believe in…because of the signs I believe that people come into our lives for 1. a reason….this might be for something to help us to get to another place or someone else….2. a lesson, maybe to start trusting people or learn to forgive and lastly for 3. a season….this could be to support you with your journey and may last for your life time or maybe for 10 years before the person moves on…but do you know all these relationships help us GROW and LEARN and help us move forward……..xxxxx
My last lesson from the week was I know I am not going to be everyone’s cup of tea…and do you know I get that….I don’t want everyone to like me, but what I do want is people to respect me! I have learned that there is going to be people who will try and belittle me and make feel inadequate and try to knock my confidence – but do you know what I have learned this week this is their issue not mine – this is their jealousy….this has shown me that they have issues in their own life and it makes them feel better by intimidating others….what I don’t understand is that if you don’t like me, why bother being part of my page or ask for support….I am always honest with people when they ask for guidance, I can’t always give you the answers that you want to hear and that is LIFE! I have had times in my life where I have had expectations of what I wanted to hear, but sometimes its been the opposite…we are given this information so WE CAN MAKE CHANGES and MOVE FORWARD with our lives….but again this is only if you CHOOSE! you make that decision and that is what life is all about…decisions…… and its never about the right or wrong decision, its about what is good for us at the time…sometimes it can be the wrong decision but at the time it was right and when we look back we can see why we made that decision because it takes us onto something bigger and better……
My final note is that Relationships can be complicated regardless of the type….but what we can take from them is LESSONS……good or bad…right or wrong….they make us who we are today and if it wasn’t for the past then they make us stronger and powerful than ever before…..
I don’t always have all the answers but I have learned to ask…..
I hope you enjoyed reading my first ever blog……..
Rachelle xxx (aka – Reiki in the City)