Do you ever hear someone saying "OMG” i read the secret and it’s just amazeballs" or i manifested this and that, and you are try it and it never seems to work....well that’s because you’re not doing properly....
I will be honest…its took me ages to get my head around this and until you do, you will only get so far and then say, “this doesn’t work!”
What it boils down to a is a PROCESS!!!! Yes, you guessed right…. a bloody process!
So, what I am about to write in this blog is real…this is real life shit! Now what works for me might not work or you and this is all about the journey…. it’s about what is doing right for YOU!
I will chat briefly about the process and some of the things that I have done to make this happen, but as I say you will find your own path and what works for me might not work for you, so its about adapting and changing it to suit you….this is what I always say……ITS YOUR JOURNEY…….
Right firstly, this is everything I have learned so far with the LOA and I want to explain some of the myths about the LOA, so the first one I hear all the time that is the LOA is MAGICKAL……well….I’m going to burst your bubble here and tell you its NOT! The LOA involves how people edit and perceive their personal reality. Its all made by your decisions – it’s all about attitude and mindset that leads you to make certain decisions a certain way…it WORKS with YOU!
The LOA is just wishful thinking – now this is because its been programmed into us and the hype around the LOA with the secret and some other LOA systems, many think if you juts keep saying affirmations this is the PROCESS!!!! If only….this is just a small part of what is needed , the only way this will EVER work is if YOU take ACTION…..there you again that bloody word…I feel like a record that’s stuck….ACTION…ACTION…ACTION……which leads me to my next myth and affirmations!
As I said before this is part o the process but its not the bigger picture, we need to change our mindset and the way we TALK!!! Yes, we need to change the way we speak about what we WANT!
This isn’t just a one-time thing! No, this involves you changing your habits, and because of this it WILL last a lifetime, but you also need to remember it can take 21-28 days to break a habit, but you also need to remember that YOU need to incorporate this into your daily life….YOU have to make it happen…..
SOOOO…the question I want you to ask yourself is…..
To be a winner you need to think like a winner, you need to be clear about what you want and if your not then it ain’t going to happen….
MOST people FAIL because they are unclear about what they want, your trying to live other people’s lives, maybe you want to be like Mrs Smith down the road, or you want what someone else has….THIS is not the way! ITS not your want, you’re not really wanting it deep down…
You need to get CLARITY…. you need to think how bad do I really want this? How bad do YOU?
So its about having what you want not what YOU think your should have or what other people have, or to make other people jealous, this is EGO playing here and the universe DOES NOT like EGO!
SO ask yourself this: DO YOU REALLY REALLLY WANT –
© That big massive house with 10 bedrooms
© The 5 cars
© Go on holiday 3x a year
SO if you answered YES to this….
© WHAT are you going to give up to get these things happen?
© How hard will you work?
© How long will you go for it?
Now the reason why I am asking you to ask yourself these is because you need to be HONEST with yourself as this goes a long way to determining whether you really want this or your just playing a long to fit in with others….
So the next step is to ask yourself these 6 key questions:
The more you ask yourself these questions the more it will become clearer or you and make it easier to establish what it is you really want!
The next part is really IMPORTANT and you need to be able to VISUALISE what you want…..
I you want to be CLEAR about your desire, then you must be able to VUSIAUALISE the WHOLE PACKAGE…..
SO, using this I have managed to manifest the shiz out of AUGUST so far…….
I drew my big vision and I have been very clear and stating exactly what I want, using the steps above, now many people like vision boards, I like mind maps and draw and write what I want from the universe…
I have been writing my WHY? My why is because I want to get premise to support everyone, this will allow more people access to the services that they need, but also for me, this means I can separate my business and personal life….its not good for me to work and live at home and lockdown has now taught me I need space to do what I want and now is the time.
I have drew the specific shop front with all the details I am looking for, how big it is, what it looks like inside, where exactly the shop will be based, who will enter the shop, the clients that I want to attract to the shop, the type of services I will offer, what else I will use to make this a success, who will benefit from this and how and why they will benefit, so as you can see the list is endless and once you start it just spirals and becomes clearer, because your writing it down and your brain is going into ACTION….your VISUALISING your big vison….
So, a week into doing my big vision I found the – well what I thought – the perfect shop, just at the bottom of my street, but it got taken! I was so gutted not going to lie, but I know that wasn’t meant for me and that something even better and amazing is going to happen…..
I did see another couple of shops but the rent was quite hight for what they wanted and they weren’t what I was looking for…..even though it wasn’t right for me and I felt the rent was high for what they were, as I have saw other shops in prime locations for less… I changed my thinking about this, its one of the biggest triggers in LOA…..who else is SOOOOO GUILTY of this too!!!!!
I'd love to………. but there is no way that I can afford something like that."
So, I wanted to address something right away because you should be careful to never say that you can't afford something. Remember what we put out into the UNIVERSE is what is returned back to us… us saying this, is going to give that vibe and create and tell the universe…oh….they can’t afford that and I am going to explain WHY!
1. It's discourages you from even trying. When you feel something is out of reach, why even bother with giving it any effort?
2. It encourages a victim mentality and reaffirms a false notion that you have no control of your financial situation.
Instead of hearing "I can't afford that"...
Here's a much better reply...
“I'd love to ………and I'm going to brainstorm and explore every idea I can possibly come up with. Then, I'm going to ask 3 of my smartest friends what they'd do to make the money. Someway, somehow, I'm going to find a way. Chat soon."
See how drastically different that kind of reply is?
One offers hope.
The other, it offers a big fat NOPE.
So, no matter what your financial situation is, be careful to never tell yourself that you can't afford something.
Because where there's a will, there's a way.
So the first part of changing your mindset and now I am going to share with you some of the ways I have used the LOA to help me and I am determined and know that I am going to move house and get my garden for my summer house or move house and get m premises that are going to be absolutely perfect!
HOWEVER, as you all know I have also been wanting to move house for a really long time, there has been shiz going down the last six-months and this has made me feel even more unsettled, so with me manifesting this and the shop, my Housing Officer called me last week, long story short, I am now on the SYSTEM and once it’s been uploaded – she is on holiday lol, so I think that’s why and plus I’m not sure If they are allowed to do house visits yet either, but I know I am moving!!!!!!!
In order for me to believe I am going to be moving, I need to trust and have faith in the universe and BELIEVE its already happening…WE need to NORMALISE this! So, in order for me to normalise this I say to myself…Rachelle…. I’m sorry to say but people move everyday so it’s not like tis something new! This allows you to have the power and its becomes a regular thing…people do move every day; people meet their soulmates everyday…people become successful everyday… why is it not normal? Get me? Once you start normalising everything that YOU want, its becomes second nature, your thoughts start changing, your expectations change….this helps you make better decisions and one step CLOSER to what you want!
There is more I can tell you, but if you want to learn more, why not join the Academy, we chat about this and it really does work, we have had so many great wins this month and I feel that if we continue we will get even more!
SO, for you to believe you need to incorporate this into your everyday life….you need focus on this constantly…..remember when your younger and you wanted a new bike….you would focus on this every single fucking day…you would go on about it to your mum/dad. Granny, Granda or whoever, everyone…. you wouldn’t fecking stop….until you got this bike…and then what happened…YOU GOT THE BIKE……because your feeding this into your subconscious!
This changes everything around you…this changes you…. you become more focused…you become more assertive…. but when people get to this stage, they panic!
HELL, yes…been here myself…and sooooo many fecking times…because I got the FEAR…..i got the fear so bad because I felt I didn’t deserve it, I let EGO take over and I lost everything! So this is why I always say SMALL STEPS!
SO, to stop yourself from falling at the last hurdle you need to ACCEPT
…. ACCEPT your WORTHY…ACCEPT, ACCEPT ACCEPT! Not sure why I had to type 3x, but I feel your not listening!
DO NOT LET EGO get inside your head… have worked so hard to do this…you have changed your mindset and you have changed your attitude! So, GRAB IT!!!!!!
YOU NEED to MAKE TIME……none of this shiz that I don’t have time for this blah blah…you’re not ready…. you need to take time out each day! And it will become 2nd nature….
If you want to learn more about the LOA, as I say join the academy, we will be doing more on this, also if you want o learn new skills, strategies to cope with everyday life with support from peers who may be experiencing similar, then this is your tribe, but only if you feel drawn……
For the month of September, we are looking at Sabotaging Self-Talk and this will help support you sabotage that inner critic that’s holding you back!
For more info just get in touch…